CR-Hospital Maisonneuve-Rosemont (Pavillon C Damours)
The Centre oversees the development of leading-edge research in areas that are closely connected to the clinical branches of excellence of the Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital.
The Centre oversees the development of leading-edge research in areas that are closely connected to the clinical branches of excellence of the Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital.
The Centre oversees the development of leading-edge research in areas that are closely connected to the clinical branches of excellence of the Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital.
The IRCM excels in basic research, a sector that remains at the forefront of innovation. It is the very basis of economic development in the fields of pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and health services.
CHU de Québec Research Center is part of the CHU de Québec and is an affiliate of Université Laval.The center brings together the research activities in the CHUL, Hôtel-Dieu de Québec, Enfant-Jésus, Saint-François d'Assise and Saint-Sacrement Hospitals.
Laval University’s Institute for Integrative Systems Biology (IBIS) was created to meet the new millennium challenge: understand the complexity behind biological systems.
CHU de Québec Research Center is part of the CHU de Québec and is an affiliate of Université Laval.The center brings together the research activities in the CHUL, Hôtel-Dieu de Québec, Enfant-Jésus, Saint-François d'Assise and Saint-Sacrement Hospitals.
Since its creation in 1987, the Centre de recherche de l'Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Québec (CRIUSMQ) endeavors to research for the best means to alleviate the suffering of patients with nervous system diseases.
Laboratoire d'expertise et de diagnostic en phytoprotectionLe Laboratoire d'expertise et de diagnostic en phytoprotection offre une expertise couvrant l'ensemble des cultures du Québec : les cultures légumières les cultures fruitières les grandes cultures les plantes aromatiques et fines herbes les plantes ornementales et autres groupes de cultures Son expertise touche les domaines de l'entomologie, de ...
Proud of being part of the UniversitŽ de MontrŽal, one of Canada's largest research universities, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is making a significant contribution to advancing knowledge in animal health, agri-food and public health.
Specialized in functional genomics, RNomics, proteomics and molecular oncology and cell biology, research teams at the UniversitŽ de Sherbrooke are now benefiting from high-performance facilities to push the frontiers of cancer knowledge.
De par sa philosophie de recherche interdisciplinaire et orientŽe vers des produits, lÕInstitut est maintenant un partenaire de premier choix des entreprises de lÕindustrie pharmaceutique et biotechnologique.