Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research (2 session show 10am-12pm and 1pm-3pm)

Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research 3755 Chemin C™te St_- Catherine, Montr_al, QC, Canada

The LDI is among Canada's leading health research institutes. Through their fundamental and clinical investigations, our scientists and clinicians make significant discoveries, lead important provincial and national research programs, and train emerging scientists who, themselves, are recognized for the excellence of their work, contributing to the health and well-being of patients in Quebec, Canada, and ...

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Universite de Sherbrooke – Pavillon de recherche appliquee sur le cancer (PRAC)

Universite de Sherbrooke - Pavillon de recherche appliquee sur le cancer (PRAC) 3201, rue Jean-Mignault, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada

Specialized in functional genomics, RNomics, proteomics and molecular oncology and cell biology, research teams at the Universite de Sherbrooke are now benefiting from high-performance facilities to push the frontiers of cancer knowledge.


Universite de Sherbrooke – IPS

Universite de Sherbrooke - IPS 3001 12 Ave N, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada

De par sa philosophie de recherche interdisciplinaire et orientee vers des produits, lÕInstitut est maintenant un partenaire de premier choix des entreprises de lÕindustrie pharmaceutique et biotechnologique.


McGill University – Bellini Life Science Complexe Atrium (Postponed from Feb13)

McGill University - Bellini Life Science Complexe Atrium 3649 promenade Sir William Osler, Montreal, QC, Canada

This landmark facility, the largest construction project in McGill's history, will encourage even greater interdisciplinary research by bringing some of the world's key scientific talent under one roof, speed up the process of translating discoveries into treatments and cures, and in the process strengthen Montreal's position as a leading hub of biomedical research in Canada ...

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Krembil Discovery Tower

Krembil Discovery Tower 60 Leonard Avenue, Toronto, ON, Canada

The Krembil Research Institute, formerly named the Toronto Western Research Institute, is the research arm of Toronto Western Hospital.


Special Event MaRS Center (Half Day formula)

Special Event MaRS Center (Half Day formula) 101 College St, Toronto, ON, Canada

Located in the heart of Canada's largest and the world's most diverse city, MaRS is uniquely placed to lead change. We bring together educators, researchers, social scientists, entrepreneurs and business experts under one roof. Founded by civic leaders, we have a mission that is equal parts public and private Ñ an entrepreneurial venture designed to ...

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Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) 250 College St, Toronto, ON, Canada

CAMH is home to the largest mental health and addictions research facility in Canada. We have more than 100 scientists, nearly 500 research staff and more than 150 trainees.


University of Toronto – Donnelly Centre

University of Toronto - Donnelly Centre 160 College St, Toronto, ON, Canada

Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research: Researchers at the Donnelly Centre aim to understand the fundamentals of biology in all its complexity and to use these insights to improve human health.


University of Toronto – Mississauga Campus

University of Toronto - Mississauga Campus 3359 Mississauga Rd, Mississauga, ON, Canada

Researchers in the UofT Mississauga, Department of Biology expand our knowledge base in a variety of fields. These fields range from cell and molecular biology through ecology and the environment to physiology and paleontology and combine many different methods to understand biological processes. Leading-edge, collaborative research is done in four major areas:


Concordia University – Loyola Campus

Concordia University - Loyola Campus 7141 Sherbrooke St W, Montreal, QC, Canada

A vibrant research community comprising over 25 research teams focused on addressing a broad range of biological questions.


Douglas Mental Health University Institute

Douglas Mental Health University Institute 6875 LaSalle Boulevard, Montreal, QC, Canada

The Douglas Institute's Research Centre is the oldest centre of its kind in Quebec. With an annual budget of $18.5M, it brings together over 300 distinguished researchers and post-doctoral fellows from all over the world, whose breakthroughs produce some 215 scientific publications every year.


adMare Connect (May 2024)

adMare Connect (May 2024) 7171 Rue Frederick Banting, Saint-Laurent, QC, Canada

With a strong track record of globally-competitive scientific discovery, Canadian life sciences is primed to lead the world. To make this a reality adMare BioInnovations uses its scientific and commercial expertise, specialized R&D infrastructure, and seed capital to build strong life sciences companies, robust ecosystems, and industry-ready talent. We re-invest our returns back into the ...

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